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Thursday, August 13, 2009

From Courtney's Closet #52 - Roundup!

Last week's From Courtney's Closet post was mostly just me showing off my kids - HA!When I say only one person played along, I really mean *only* one person - because I didn't even get around to making a card myself!! So I'll be adding it to my list of cards I want to make eventually...! But would you just look at the card that WAS made?? Caryl created this beauty, inspired by both of the kids' bathingsuits. Love it!!!Thanks so much for playing along Caryl - you're better than me! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Libby ~ So sorry I didn't get to play last week. I LOVE playing your challenge but 'life' has sucked up all my crafting time. Hopefully with the 2 week deadline I'll have something for you. Plus Hannah's blue outfit is SO pretty!


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